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Showing posts from May, 2020

Restaurants say socially distant dining rooms could wipe out business

Restaurants say socially distant dining rooms could wipe out business Across the U.S. dining rooms are reopening and some customers are returning, industry data shows.

The milkman is back: Covid lockdowns rekindle demand for dairy delivery

The milkman is back: Covid lockdowns rekindle demand for dairy delivery People are home now -- even if they are working -- and they want their milk.

Insurers don't need to pay coronavirus business interruption claims: Treasury

Insurers don't need to pay coronavirus business interruption claims: Treasury The agency said forcing insurers to pay up is against the contractual nature of insurance obligations.

How military pay raises are calculated

How military pay raises are calculated The armed services are expected to receive a 3 percent increase in 2021.

Truckers suffer colossal coronavirus job losses in April

Truckers suffer colossal coronavirus job losses in April Overall, the U.S. lost a record 20.5 million jobs last month, as the unemployment rate ballooned to 14.7 percent.

Positive coronavirus history may disqualify US military applicants from serving

Positive coronavirus history may disqualify US military applicants from serving Certain people who have been diagnosed with the virus in the past may not be able to join.